Social Lounge & Daycare

To sum up what we provide the dogs at daycare: A Positive Social Environment, in which they learn good social habits. We pride ourselves on maintaining an appropriately mind simulating, playful, but non-frenetic environment for our doggie friends. A big part of this is not allowing excessive barking, which can become stressful for the whole group. We actually do quite a bit of activities with the dogs at Highland Pets. We are limited capacity to ensure dogs have FREEDOM to enjoy ample space!
Trial Day

A dog's first day of daycare is considered a Trial Day, and we offer it at the LOW PRICE OF $15 The purpose of the Trial Day is for us to get to know your dog, for them to get to know us, and for all of us to be sure it's a good fit. This day of daycare also helps a dog know that, if they are left here, they are not being abandoned at an unfamiliar place, but will be picked up by their human eventually.